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Pool Season Opens May 27th!

Published: November 27, 2023

We are excited to let you know that we have passed our pool inspection. We will be opening the pool TODAY! We are still doing construction around the pool and need you to be careful around the pool not to put your fingers or toes around the stones. We will be continuing to do work on Wednesdays while the pool is closed and expect there will be one Thursday we will need to be closed for materials to dry completely.

Please do not drag furniture on the freshly done pool deck as we want this to look nice as long as possible and dragging furniture causes marks and damage. We appreciate your cooperation with this and look forward to having a great pool season.

We are still working on the entry system so please be sure to bring your cards and bands to show the monitors so they can let you in. Once the system is working bug free we will send out another notice with instructions on using the new system.

Thank you for your patience and have a great time at the pool.

Oak Hollow of Anna HOA

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