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Water Conservation Efforts

Published: July 18, 2022

The City is joining other DFW cities in water conservation efforts by entering Stage 1 water restrictions. What does that mean?

    o We ask all neighbors to reduce their irrigation watering to 1x/week voluntarily. Odd addresses should water on either Tuesday or Friday. Even addresses should water on either Wednesday or Saturday.
    o We will enforce our existing watering requirement of no more than 2x/week, per our existing Ordinances.
    o We will be participating by stopping all non-essential water use. We will cease vehicle washing and other non-essential watering and only irrigate the bare minimum amount required to keep public landscaping alive.
    o We will be implementing a construction water use management plan with all new construction to reduce water use in construction.
    o We are contacting all HOA’s to request for them to decrease watering to 1x/week voluntarily.
    o We are asking all businesses to decrease their watering to 1x/week voluntarily.

Please join us by doing your part. We anticipate that we will need to move into Stage 2 water restrictions later this month if no rainfall occurs. This decision will be made with City Council approval.

Oak Hollow of Anna HOA

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