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Main Front Entrance Project

Published: July 31, 2018

The Oak Hollow HOA Board is working through the process of rebuilding our neighborhood’s main front entrance. Some of the steps in completing this process include getting electricity and water back out to the island… design, build and install a new entrance sign… and updating the plantings on the island and side areas of the entrance.

  • We are working through bids and if all goes well, the work to get the electricity and water back out to the island should begin soon.
  • Chandler Signs has been contracted with to help design, construct and install the entrance sign. In the picture you can see more information about the proposed design.
  • Once the first two steps are completed, the final step of updating the plantings can be accomplished.
  • There will be more hurdles to work through before the front entrance is complete, but we are looking forward to the seeing the end results.

    Thank you in advance for your patience as we work through this process – HOA Board of Directors

Oak Hollow of Anna HOA

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